
In this article we will learn how to leverage the power of LLMs running on google collab to analyze and visualize data. By the end of this article you will be able to load data from a csv file into pandas dataframe and gain insights into your data. To build this POC we will use famous titanic data set, Google Collab to install ollama and llama3 as our LLM.

Step 1 : Initialize and run llama3 on Google Collab

Please follow below post to install ollama and run LLMs on Google Collab

Step 2: Install and import all python dependencies needed

!pip install pandas pandasai streamlit

from pandasai.llm.local_llm import LocalLLM
import streamlit as st 
import pandas as pd 
from pandasai import SmartDataframe

Step 3 : Load model

model = LocalLLM(

Step 4: Load data from csv file into DataFrame

data = pd.read_csv(“/content/titanic.csv”)

Step 5: Load data into a Smart dataframe

This is just a wrapper over pandas dataframe which hides lots of abstractions and make it easier to quickly start on data analysis. We are passing our dataframe and llm model as inputs

df = SmartDataframe(data, config={"llm": model})

Step 6: Let the Data Analysis begin

To start with, I asked LLM to answer some very basic questions"how many rows are there in dataset")

There are 891 rows in the dataset."how many people have more than 3 siblings")
{'type': 'number', 'value': 30}
30"return the percentage of passengers by gender")
The percentage of male passengers: 64.76%
The percentage of female passengers: 35.24%
The percentage of male passengers: 64.76%\nThe percentage of female passengers: 35.24%

Data Visualization

Our model correctly answered all the basic questions, so now is time to ask some more interesting questions. So next I asked for it to draw a basic chart and was impressed with the response“draw a bar chart of sex column”)

To continue with visualization of our data, next I queried for multiple graphs, increasing difficulty with each step:“plot a pie chart of pclass column”)“visualize the distribution of fare column”)“draw histogram of age column”)“draw histogram of fare column separated by sex column”)“draw heatmap of numerical columns”)


To conclude this post, I can say that LLMs can be used from basic data analysis to creating advanced data visualization tools and can empower the end user to directly interact with the data without the need of developers or other fancy tools.

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