Volatile Memory Analysis With Volatility : Coreflood Trojan part 2
In this post we will analyze CoreFlood malware using more advanced concepts of volatile Memory analysis with Volatility Framework.
Volatile Memory Analysis With Volatility : Coreflood Trojan

Introduction This is the first post of multi part series in which we will walk through basics of volatile Memory analysis with Volatility. Though some knowledge of Windows Internal is desirable but I will try to cover things as we progress. In this post, we will start with analyzing Coreflood Trojan with basic command and […]
Root Me: Active Directory -GPO
Category: Forensic The challenge involves analyzing .pcap file having multiple protocols. In this particular challenge we need to analyze SMB protocol and find the missing flag. Prerequisites: Knowledge of a network capture analyzing tool. Knowledge of the group policy. Knowledge of Python You can find the challenge at below link : https://www.root-me.org/en/Challenges/Forensic/Active-Directory-GPO Statement During a security audit, […]
Root Me: SSL — HTTP exchange
Category: Network The challenge involves analyzing .pcap file having multiple protocols. In this particular challenge we need to analyze HTTPs protocol and find the missing flag. Prerequisites: Knowledge of a network capture analyzing tool. Knowledge of the HTTPS protocols. You can find the challenge at below link : https://www.root-me.org/en/Challenges/Network/SSL-HTTP-exchange Statement This challenge comes from the 19th DEFCON […]
ROOT-Me.org Network Challenges
ROOT-Me.org Network FTP-authentication Challenges In this challenge a pcap file is provided and we have to find the user password To start with download the pcap file and open it in Wireshark. In the first three lines we can see 2 way TCP Handshake (Syn, Ack, Syn-Ack) between source and destination server. Next we can […]
Volatility Forensic Analysis: R2D2 Malware
Hunting R2D2 Malware To start on this malware expedition, please download image from here . Once image file is downloaded, lets find out more about it by using volatility imageinfo plugin C:\volatility>volatility.exe -f 0zapftis.vmem imageinfoVolatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6INFO : volatility.debug : Determining profile based on KDBG search… Suggested Profile(s) : WinXPSP2x86, WinXPSP3x86 (Instantiated with WinXPSP2x86) AS […]
Root-me Command and Control Challenges
In this post we will go through command and control challenges on https://www.root-me.org/. Since , this challenge is still open we will not post the answers but will only document the steps and approach that was taken to solve the challenges. Command & Control — level 2 Find workstations hostname from memory dump The first approach that came into my […]